Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

IMG_1931I’ve had Edinburgh on my mind lately… people mentioning how they’re planning trips there, have been there, etc… and every time I rave about it and tell them it is one of the cities in the UK you definitely HAVE to visit. As much as Ireland has always been my favourite, even Dublin can’t top Edinburgh. It’s not the same for everyone, but there’s something about Edinburgh that was just more relaxed, charming, and open.


The subject of this story, in particular, is Edinburgh Castle. It’s one of the most beautiful and dominant things that graces the Edinburgh skyline–which is made up of almost all historical buildings and steeples. Therefore, once we made it up steps, steps, and more steps (those in the picture were only the beginning), the view was perfect. The wide cobblestone pathway up to the castle is filled with tourists and an icecream truck, and as you gaze down the gently sloping pathway, you can see the city’s roofs, towers, and steeples below you. In a ring beyond all that are the hazy purple mountains.

IMG_1947I’d say they do the whole castle thing A-OK. I love Irish castles… but if I had to choose, sorry Dublin, I’d choose Edinburgh Castle over Dublin Castle anytime. The one thing I did not do–I know, I know–was actually go all the way inside. I am a cheap tourist, but if I was back there right now, I’d for sure pay for the overpriced tourist ticket and have a look. That being said, you can still see a good bit, particularly the dramatic scenery, without an entrance fee. You can go through the main gates and everything, look at the outer buildings, pretty much up to the front doors where they make you pay.
Get yourself a sausage roll, bap, cuppa, and sit on the walls next to Edinburgh Castle. Look out at the mountains around you, watch the sunset. Enjoy the people watching. Particularly near the ice cream cart. And pretend to look as much unlike a muggle as possible.

Edinburgh Castle is (one of?) the inspiration for Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Bring your wand, nerds.
Me and my lovely Northern Irish friends from the university I attended… we were each other’s Scotland travel buddies! Go team!

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